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Начало > Новости > Компания MISTRAS NDT объявила о выпуске портативного определителя коррозии Pocket CORPAC™


Компания MISTRAS NDT объявила о выпуске портативного определителя коррозии Pocket CORPAC™

Компания MISTRAS NDT объявила о выпуске портативного определителя коррозии Pocket CORPAC™


 The Pocket CORPAC™ combines an industry staple in non-intrusive corrosion testing with the portable convenience made possible by the latest in Acoustic Emission (AE) technology.

Built on the successful platform of the original CORPAC™ - the industry standard in corrosion detection since the 1990s - the Pocket CORPAC™ detects active localized corrosion as a result of pitting stress corrosion cracking (SCC) without taking industrial structures out of service.

At less than a quarter of the size of its predecessor and with the latest user-guided software, the Pocket CORPAC™ detects localized corrosion, before costly damage and its effects can be seen or felt.

The Pocket CORPAC™ increases operational safety with short periodic, in-service monitoring, while simplifying asset maintenance on a variety of industrial structures and materials, such as:

Industrial Structures
  • Storage tanks
  • Pipe connections
  • Reactors
  • Pressure vessels
  • Pipelines
  • Railroad tank cars
  • Distillation towers
  • And more

Industrial Materials
  • Stainless steel
  • Carbon steel
  • Aluminum alloys
  • Zircaloy
  • And more

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